Temptation vs the “Home” team

I don’t expect any of you to know this about me but it is an important over share.

So here it goes: I am a recovering sex addict.

I don’t say this to be funny. This is a serious problem. I use the word “recovering“, not because I am actively engaged in activities that fall into this category, but because like with all addicts, I am constantly tormented by the past, and tempted in the present, whether I willing to admit it or not . Additionally, while the battles may become smaller each day, there are always challenges that try to revert us to unacceptable patterns of behavior while we try to live according to God’s standards. However, I know I can … Click to Continue

Driving toward a new goal for kids.

Driving toward a new goal for kids.

Hi Everybody

Driving Homedriving to a goal

I am driving toward a new goal. I’m on a mission to save kids and I need your help. Our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital treats thousands of children each year, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. These kids are facing scary stuff like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and injuries from accidents we don’t even want to imagine.

I am participating in this huge worldwide celebration of the social impact of gamers of all kinds from video games to board games and tabletop RPG’s! Since 2010, Extra Life has raised … Click to Continue

Why who I am is not one event.

Why who I am is not one event.

Proof As part of my application for the K-Love scholarship to Colorado Christian University, I have been asked to write about an event or experience in my life and how it would influence my academic work and goals. It is a pretty cool question but I have been having a problem with the concept of ONE event. So I drafted this below entry as my essay submission. Please give me feedback on both the content and the grammar.

—- Start Critique —- Last Edited 1/5/2015 – Submitted to CCU 1/5/2015

Who I am is not … Click to Continue

A little help from my friends.

A little help from my friends.

Our HouseI am not sure how much you have followed our lives here in Min-Arctica. I have the mini-summary and wrap up:

A few years ago we moved to Minnesota so that I could come work for a new company and go back to school with the intent of going into full time ministry work. After two years we hit the milestone that triggered a search for a permanent home. Up to that point we had planned to rent a house so we could figure out where we would live given all the variables. Those were … Click to Continue