What the Lord is doing in my life.

What do you see the Lord actively doing in your life? Another way to say that is “What has the Lord been speaking into your life?”

I think this has the potential to be a good topic for a regular post. I think it’s good to regularly take stock in what the Lord is doing in and through us as we spend time in the word, in prayer, and in worship. Since scripture tells us that there should be much FRUIT born from our walk with Jesus (John 15:1-8), we should probably be able to recognize some of it…

So, what HAS the Lord been speaking into me?

My “life verse” or the verse I have committed to memory and … Click to Continue

A talk about being a leader in the workplace.

I heard a great discussion today about a book “Jesus in the courtroom” by John Mauck.

The book, and the conversation, highlight how we ALL can be leaders in our places of work, and communities by living out our values as exemplified by Jesus Christ.  This is a 50 minute pod-cast, but the discussion starts around time marker 23:40. Take a listen, and let me know what you think.

John Mauck on Jesus in the courtroom

External Links:

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C – Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is … Click to Continue

The joy of the Lord is MY strength

Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

The longer I live and struggle with this (depression), the more I figure out, usually with help, ways to help navigate both life in general and the specifics of each part of our world Click to Continue

A Strong Launch

First, a little back story:

CalebStrong.org (CS) began as a Men’s Fraternity group that simply kept meeting after the three seasons. We explored Apologetics, Biblical history, and Strength of Character, as found in the example given in the Books found in the Bible, like Joshua, Daniel, and many others.

For a season, the Lord put it on my heart to mentor other men. As I did so, I began writing and speaking, and started to dream of the CalebStrong curriculum. I became involved (and thus distracted) by another good work. This work was an idea for a ministry called Redeemed-N-Delivered(RnD). RnD’s goal was to minister to broken families, through a prison ministry, through a single parents ministry and through service … Click to Continue