Leaping Into Spring

The Strong Foundation Logo

CalebStrong.org is under some more maintenance. We had already added new features for event tracking and registration. This was done to help us start new groups and track when a new group needs to be kicked off. You might notice that some older pages are gone. Most of those pages were focused on events that have long since ended. With the creation of the events calendar, and individual event pages, those type of event pages are no longer and the new one are more easily maintained.

We also have cleaned up some of the pages to make them less verbose (why can’t I just say “wordy”???), … Click to Continue

The joy of the Lord is MY strength

Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

The longer I live and struggle with this (depression), the more I figure out, usually with help, ways to help navigate both life in general and the specifics of each part of our world Click to Continue

Christ’s resilience of in the life of a man

I was studying this week and came across some colorful commentary on church history. Most specifically I found a book on Heretics (see “Heretics” by G. K. Chesterton – 1905). Now, by colorful I mean it was actually, REALLY interesting. Yet when compared to the life of the author himself, the content of the book pales.

The writer, one Gilbert Keith Chesterton, was a most gifted and prolific writer. In addition to 69 published books before his death G.K. left another 10 or so books unfinished. Chesterton defended Faith, Christianity, and the importance of Orthodoxy (the authorized, accepted christian doctrines) with fire and inspiration. G.K. vigorously rejected ideas like “eugenics” and ethnic cleansing. Gilbert even wrote about … Click to Continue

Who is this guy?

I love feedback and discussion. Today’s post was motivated by discussions that came after a Men’s Discipleship group called Resolute, that I attend once a week. Thanks to one member’s prompting, (thanks Rob), we’ve started to continue our discussion after the regular meeting so that we can check-in with one another and help with accountability. Some part of that is talking about our current struggles and that means getting really transparent about who we are and what we deal with at a very personal level. As I listened to some of the discussion, I felt the spirit move me to share a little of my past experience with purity struggles. As I shared some strategies I’ve learned … Click to Continue