A Strong Launch

First, a little back story:

CalebStrong.org (CS) began as a Men’s Fraternity group that simply kept meeting after the three seasons. We explored Apologetics, Biblical history, and Strength of Character, as found in the example given in the Books found in the Bible, like Joshua, Daniel, and many others.

For a season, the Lord put it on my heart to mentor other men. As I did so, I began writing and speaking, and started to dream of the CalebStrong curriculum. I became involved (and thus distracted) by another good work. This work was an idea for a ministry called Redeemed-N-Delivered(RnD). RnD’s goal was to minister to broken families, through a prison ministry, through a single parents ministry and through service … Click to Continue

Learning Style, Giftedness, and Strategy

I was asked to complete an analysis of my communication style, personality strengths and identify how we learn for a class. We did this by taking a few tests and then discussed the results within the group  (wow this was back in 2015). This was the breakdown for my personality type, communication and learning style.

Learning Inventory:

My personal learning style is a combination of tactile and audio learning styles. I process information through discussion and experimentation. I primarily enforce learning through teaching and coaching others and applying lessons to real world applications. Hands-on labs are also highly effective for me as a way to absorb information. As one who prefers active experimentation,  I may be challenged in this world of online … Click to Continue

Control is an illusion.

A really good question came up in last week’s Men’s group.

The question for discussion was:

What are you holding onto and stressing about?

What is the motivation behind not giving it over to the Father?

Here is my emailed response, though it has been edited to correct some mistakes I caught in review, it is pretty close to the original response:

I am sitting in my living room and using it as an office. I am putting together a vision plan and strategy for the new year. This is new for me because I while I have done this in the context of a company or as a department manager, this is the first time I’ve done this … Click to Continue