Separation of Church and State part I

This started as a research paper for an English Composition class. The focus of the paper was to pick a topic that could be debated and may even stir up controversy. (I think i succeeded there…)
There is so much ground to cover on this one subject. So I focused on the origin of phrase “Separation of Church and State”(SCS) and how it has been (incorrectly) linked to our Constitutional Amendments.

At some other time I may decide to delve into the actual impact of the amendments and what they mean, our position and duties as followers of Jesus, or the myriad other possible topics related to SCS.  So with that in mind, I labeled this “part I” but I don’t know … Click to Continue

Make my heart believe.

A great video post from the team at VERGE.

Check it out:

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
View Gary Cartagena’s profile

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Why who I am is not one event.

Why who I am is not one event.

Proof As part of my application for the K-Love scholarship to Colorado Christian University, I have been asked to write about an event or experience in my life and how it would influence my academic work and goals. It is a pretty cool question but I have been having a problem with the concept of ONE event. So I drafted this below entry as my essay submission. Please give me feedback on both the content and the grammar.

—- Start Critique —- Last Edited 1/5/2015 – Submitted to CCU 1/5/2015

Who I am is not … Click to Continue

A little help from my friends.

A little help from my friends.

Our HouseI am not sure how much you have followed our lives here in Min-Arctica. I have the mini-summary and wrap up:

A few years ago we moved to Minnesota so that I could come work for a new company and go back to school with the intent of going into full time ministry work. After two years we hit the milestone that triggered a search for a permanent home. Up to that point we had planned to rent a house so we could figure out where we would live given all the variables. Those were … Click to Continue