A Strong Launch

First, a little back story:

CalebStrong.org (CS) began as a Men’s Fraternity group that simply kept meeting after the three seasons. We explored Apologetics, Biblical history, and Strength of Character, as found in the example given in the Books found in the Bible, like Joshua, Daniel, and many others.

For a season, the Lord put it on my heart to mentor other men. As I did so, I began writing and speaking, and started to dream of the CalebStrong curriculum. I became involved (and thus distracted) by another good work. This work was an idea for a ministry called Redeemed-N-Delivered(RnD). RnD’s goal was to minister to broken families, through a prison ministry, through a single parents ministry and through service … Click to Continue

Family Update: Our First Home

Family Update: Our First Home

I am not sure if you have followed the story of our move to MinArctica (aka Minnesota).  So here is the quick catch-up:

We moved here about 4 years ago due to both calling and career. We have struggled with a few things here and there but for the most part we have enjoyed our new home.  We have been renting since we got here. We  wanted to be sure we found a solid community, church and school system for our family to be a part of. Last year we thought we found a home to call our own, but circumstances changed. First with the home itself and then with work and health issues.  The short version is that God had … Click to Continue

Temptation vs the “Home” team

I don’t expect any of you to know this about me but it is an important over share.

So here it goes: I am a recovering sex addict.

I don’t say this to be funny. This is a serious problem. I use the word “recovering“, not because I am actively engaged in activities that fall into this category, but because like with all addicts, I am constantly tormented by the past, and tempted in the present, whether I willing to admit it or not . Additionally, while the battles may become smaller each day, there are always challenges that try to revert us to unacceptable patterns of behavior while we try to live according to God’s standards. However, I know I can … Click to Continue