Temptation vs the “Home” team

I don’t expect any of you to know this about me but it is an important over share.

So here it goes: I am a recovering sex addict.

I don’t say this to be funny. This is a serious problem. I use the word “recovering“, not because I am actively engaged in activities that fall into this category, but because like with all addicts, I am constantly tormented by the past, and tempted in the present, whether I willing to admit it or not . Additionally, while the battles may become smaller each day, there are always challenges that try to revert us to unacceptable patterns of behavior while we try to live according to God’s standards. However, I know I can … Click to Continue

Serving a LGBTQ community

*Edited on 3/16/2017 + updated scriptural references. *

I am probably going to ruffle some feathers today…

Which, on one hand, is okay by me since I am not here to make YOU happy and agree with you. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE you. I would hate for you to go away mad. However, it is my calling to make you THINK and RESPOND within the context of living life in fellowship (or community) with integrity as followers of Jesus.

If we, as followers of Christ, are truly called to be leaders with integrity, I implore you! Do not simply choose to be offended and shut-off your brain. Do not choose to chicken out and ignore this post without challenging yourself and your … Click to Continue

God Loved Barrabas. Why not you?

Jesus is sufficient…  He is enough.

… “Jesus knew the Father would have to treat Jesus like Barabbas so he could treat Barabbas like Jesus” …

What are you holding onto today?  Give it to Jesus…

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
View Gary Cartagena’s profile

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