I am still sick with the flu. (The nausea sucks the most.) But as I rest and recover, and let others choose to care for me, I have had time to read and be with the Lord this morning. Here is what is on His heart for me today:
The Lesson: Leaders MUST Choose to Care
As I read the book of Acts,( starting in Acts 1 ) I was reminded that I spend way too much time being critical of people in general. Their driving, their politics, their work ethic, their lack of common sense… It all makes me bonkers because I am detached from their lives. But the model that Jesus and his disciples left was vastly different.

We must choose to care.
When we continuously make the choice to CARE…, we cease to rage within.
Instead we offer prayer, and teach and show mercy….
The Word:
In Acts, all of these great men, earnestly cared for people. In His time on Earth and to this very day, the people are drawn to Jesus because of His amazing heart to care for, and love on (to show love to) people. And it was the heart of the disciples that drew people to Peter, James, Paul, Andrew and even Timothy after Jesus joined the Heavenly Father. Additionally, it was the heart these leaders had for people that drove these men of God TO ASK the people to be apart of the family of God. Jesus modeled it first, and these men were faithful in to follow that example.
The Takeaway:
So what do we do with that? We must CHOOSE to CARE. When we continuously make the choice to CARE for these people that occasionally (or even frequently) make us bonkers, we cease to rage within. Instead we offer prayer, and teach and show mercy, and show mercy, and show mercy, (not a typo, just a reminder) and perhaps we shall offer a little bit of grace too.
That is what convicts my heart today. If I let it, (and I will) these words will make me a better leader, a better husband and a better father. And maybe, if you let it, these words can help you too.
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

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