I was reading another blogger’s comments and I became incensed at one ignorant person’s comment on the existence of Adam and Eve :
“it’s not real. btw…this is how wars start. kind of funny if you think about it.”
Now first of all. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and be WRONG, but it wasn’t the “not real” comment that threw me. It’s the second part. In a strong effort to avoid a flame war on someone else’s blog I tried to be civil. Additionally, I am instructed in wisdom.
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1
So I will answer with a calm, intelligent, factual answer, based on OBJECTIVE truth.
This is not how wars start. Wars start when men (humans) think their folly and ignorance can’t possibly superseded by truth and wisdom…
… In their ignorance they cling to their foolish belief that real, objective truth, can not be known and decide that they are willing to defend their ignorance to the death. They then determine that anyone who disagrees with their false teaching is an enemy and go on the offensive. In essence they REFUSE to be educated. They fear change, and cling to their ignorance. Any intelligent argument is seen as an attack on their lifestyle or belief system and the only response MUST be to escalate.
A man of wrath stirs up strife, and one given to anger causes much transgression. Proverbs 29:22
Those who have access to wisdom AND choose to partake of it have learned that the BIBLE is the most accurate historical record in existence . From historical events (wars, boundaries and borders confirmed by Egyptian, Roman and Persian cultures), geological shifts (did you find sea shells on the Rocky mountains? can we say flood?) and genealogy.(see notes 1-3 at bottom)
Even non-Christian scholars recognize this. SINCE the TRUTH of HISTORICAL records and SCIENTIFIC facts are found in the Biblical record, does it not then, take more faith to say that Adam and Eve and by extension God and Jesus are not real?
Come on people. Stop putting faith in a lie and REALLY look at the evidence. Do the investigation yourself. All I am asking is that we STOP making ignorance contagious. Do the research. The Christian or non-believer alike. Like sheep, we are listening to the other sheep bleat direction and we can’t see the front of the flock. Blaze a trail if you have to but take the time to LEARN OBJECTIVE TRUTH.
As Christians we are also called to do the research and be ready to give a defense:
… in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect… 1 Peter 3:15
We are told to walk with eyes open and make a choice. What is your choice based on? My choice is based on numerous points of information that show that the Bible is true based on Historical and Scientific evidence.
And still more concerning to me:
Since the truth of a true God exists, and there is a book that allows us to know God’s mind and heart on all matters and topics in life, does it not make sense to READ the word of God and LIVE according to the directions already given to us?
As usual: Thank you for reading and for comments…
– Be Yourself, Be Well, and Be Loved,
Notes and links: These are only a small number of notes/links to research, documentation and finds on the subject.
- http://agards-bible-timeline.com/q9_historical_proof_bible.html
- http://www.thetrumpet.com/?q=8023.0.133.0
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBBvvDl25F4
- http://www.forumterrace.com/Questions/Historically.html
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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