Is social justice Biblical?

I must confess, sometimes, I struggle with the call that people have to “stir up trouble” with different “social justice” issues.
It’s not that I don’t believe in equality, love, and equal justice for all… In fact in my younger days I experienced more than a few instances of prejudice to say the least, having grown up a military brat, and Hispanic.
But I think the pure stupidity of the overexcessive “Karen-isms” of what has become known as cancel culture and such, had left a bad taste in my mouth… And as older adults we ( or at least I ) tried to let things go and move on as we mature and grow “wiser”. Or maybe I’m just internally jaded.

But lately, more and more, my heart is wounded for my literal, as well as spiritual, brothers and sisters who deal with so much extra burden every day. My siblings whose skin, unlike mine, did not get lighter with age and do not pass as Caucasian… My siblings who have not had miraculous financial windfalls, that made life easier and more accessible… My siblings who still struggle with addictions. My siblings who wrestle with the burdens of homelessness. And my siblings who endure the traumas of different levels of abuse they experience on a daily basis. I see you all, and my heart breaks WITH you. God only knows what you’ve been through.

Additionally, I recognize that my handsome, red haired, blue eyed, son will never experience these things. I do recognize, that I AM privileged.

This morning, a verse stuck in my heart with thorn like tenacity and the spirit reminded me that I am my brother’s keeper.

Leviticus 5:1 basically says, when you witness or experience injustice and do not stand up against it you are committing sin.

So this morning I pray that we do not just walk through life with eyes open and silent voice…

I pray that we ALL sojourn with open hearts and a willingness to stand up for, and defend each other.
I also pray that we remember that we are still peace makers who are to “speak the truth in love” (Eph 4:15) because without love we’re just noise. (1 Cor 13:1)

Be well, know that you’re loved, and that you are all my brothers and sisters for whom I will stand up.


May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

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