is under some more maintenance. We had already added new features for event tracking and registration. This was done to help us start new groups and track when a new group needs to be kicked off. You might notice that some older pages are gone. Most of those pages were focused on events that have long since ended. With the creation of the events calendar, and individual event pages, those type of event pages are no longer and the new one are more easily maintained.
We also have cleaned up some of the pages to make them less verbose (why can’t I just say “wordy”???), and less “me” focused. I felt that since JESUS IS THE HERO of my story (and yours too), each page should reflect what Jesus has accomplished. I also tried to be more direct and clear in the text of these pages. You will also start to see the logo for (TSF) pop-up on these pages.
Third, I am kicking off a fund raiser campaign. ( This campaign will be focused on covering the cost of computers and moving us over to the (TSF) domain, with this site as a child of the parent website. Additionally, TSF needs new equipment for use in the classes and groups that are already in progress. I have been using a hand-held portable projector and laptop from Tek Management, that have been extremely handy for our Saturday group. Additionally, I need to cover the cost of our 501.(c).3 filing, if we ever get a proper board together. (see below)
Fourth, I have been searching for three to five board members for the formation of the TFS non-profit organization. These board members must be validated to be honorable, Christ loving, and engaged in their local Christ honoring, Bible following church. I would expect them to be in agreement with the vision the Lord has placed in my heart, but be willing and able to hold me accountable to the needs of this ministry. If you are interested, let me know on the Contact Us page, or give me a call if you know me personally. I will not pursue the incorporation for TSF until and unless I have people that the God sees are fit and able to serve this ministry.
Last, but not least, is the continued effort to try to afford school and ministry focused training each year. I have posted before that I am trying to attend a near by Bible college. If finances permit, I will commit to that endeavor. As of now, much like the search for board members, this goal has been one I pray about, and wait upon the Lord’s timing.
As you can see there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Last and not least is my personal need to find a source of income. Until and unless this ministry is able to pay for my time, I need to find a means to pay our mortgage, car payment, electric bill, etc. I know the Lord always has and always will provided for us, so I trying not to be overly concerned, but if I need to make tents to keep this ministry moving forward, then I shall (Acts 18:1-4 ; Acts 20:33-35). This is another area for which you can pray.
Scriptural references on being a “Tent-Maker”: Acts 18:1-4; 1 Th. 2:9; 2 Th. 3:7-8; Acts 20:31-35; 1 Cor 4:12; I Cor 9:3-23
Thank you for reading and staying in touch. May God Bless you and keep you…
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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