I was asked to complete an analysis of my communication style, personality strengths and identify how we learn for a class. We did this by taking a few tests and then discussed the results within the group (wow this was back in 2015). This was the breakdown for my personality type, communication and learning style.
Learning Inventory:
My personal learning style is a combination of tactile and audio learning styles. I process information through discussion and experimentation. I primarily enforce learning through teaching and coaching others and applying lessons to real world applications. Hands-on labs are also highly effective for me as a way to absorb information. As one who prefers active experimentation, I may be challenged in this world of online learning, but I am up to the challenge. According to the learning assessment my top two styles are Logical-Mathematical and Interpersonal (at 88% each) with my next highest being Visual-Spatial and Intrapersonal (at 75% each). This basically reinforced what I had already assumed through the reading.
In the personality test I found that I am an ESJT. I have experienced both the strengths and weaknesses of this personality. I have struggles with being strong-willed, inflexible, and closed off emotionally. It has been only through the trials and experiences on the path that God has put me through that I have learned to recognize those traits. I have also observed the other more positive attributes as well. I am dedicated to see ideals and objectives become reality. Although in my life I have actually learned tact, I am very direct. I am also drawn to create organization out of chaos and do well when creating processes.
As part of my involvement with a church launch (Clarity), I was encouraged to visit the Gallup website and take the Clifton Strengths Finder evaluation. Their assessment helps to enforce your specific leanings and helps you understand what kinds of activities engage your natural tendencies. My particular top 5, out of some 34 ‘themes’ as they call them are that I am
“Strategic, Ideation, Relator, Learner, Individualization” focused. To summarize their assessment, that means I am highly adaptable and can see clear direction even in challenging situations. I am also fascinated by ideas and patterns, and I form relationships through activities and projects. Additionally, I am constantly learning and seeking challenges, and I have a gift for figuring out how people work together productively. I have found most of this to be accurate and true to my patterns. If you are interested in this tool is does cost around $10 and is available from the Gallup center. You can also read about the different strength themes for free on the Strengths Test website or Wikipedia (see link below)
Strategies for Learning:
In this session I have found that there could be some challenges to my natural learning styles while learning via online classes. Some of the strategies that may help me are listed below:
- Taking notes in more ways – Multi-Media
- Use audio or video recording during my reading to take my initial notes.
Later review my recordings to take written or typed notes
- Explain concepts to others
- Discuss what I am learning with my family and friends so that I can better grasp concepts
- Engage with online study groups through voice or video chat services like Google Hangouts.
- Use it or Lose it
- Apply what I am learning through activities, experimentation, or artistic expression.
For example: In a history or literature lesson engage in active re-enactment through art projects, in-person storytelling or live-action role-play.
- Lists are my friend
- Bulleted lists like this one used for the summarization of material helps me remember core themes and concepts. Later I can come back to the key ideas and dig deeper at a time when I can better focus.
* I learned this particular tactic while learning to cope with ADHD.
Hope that was entertaining if not informative. If you have never looked into these types of tests or personal analysis, I recommend it. Understanding how you process information and interact with others can help us to understand what motivates us to do or say certain things.
May Jesus have His way with your day.
TheStrongFoundation.org and it’s member sites CalebStrong.org and EstherStrong.org are about becoming the leaders God calls us to be, at work, in our homes, churches and communities at large.
Always remember to Be *Strong*™.
Thank you for reading and for your comments…
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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