Prayer for Persecuted Christians

I just wanted to take a moment to thank my God for placing me in a country that, for at least the moment, allows me to share my faith, speak the truth, and stand by my convictions with out fear of true persecution. I want to offer my prayers for Yousef, the pastor in the story below, and his family. I would like to ask for your prayers as well.

Fox News:  Iranian Pastor Faces Execution For Refusing To Recant Christian Faith (link)

Read the story, share it with others, and BE OUTRAGED! It is allowed. But after all of that ask yourself, just as my pastor asked me the other day.

  • If you were put on trial for your faith in Christ, (or in God or whatever) would there be enough evidence to convict you?
  • What does this mean to me?
  • Do you stand by your convictions?
  • Are you a man (person) that is willing to stand up and be counted?
  • Are you willing to speak until you are heard?


I think by now that those who new me as a pagan, pseudo-intellectual, almost agnostic were surprised by my return to Christ as my passion and savior. I am sure that my agnostic, pagan and atheist friends and acquaintances are sick of my constant reference to Christ as the One and Only path to salvation. But that is OK! I am willing to take the cynical faces they make that they don’t think I see. I will accept their rolling eyes, their passive aggressive comments and their laudations of times past when I  did this or I  said that.

The microscopic annoyance I endure is minuscule compared to what leaders like Yousef are enduring for the name of Christ. Or even Rose Marie Belforti the town clerk who must fight for the right to not be involved in Gay Marriage.

New York Times: Town clerk must fight for the right not to be involved in Gay Marriage.  (link)

Where is the protection of her Religious beliefs we were promised in the Constitution of the United States(a). Why is it now acceptable to discriminate against race, color, age, creed, religion, sex and sexual orientation as long as its AGAINST A MAJORITY? What happened to TRUTH and JUSTICE in this country? I am an Independant with  Libertarian views, but even I am beginning to understand (God help me for saying this) the Tea-Party political machine and their call against Liberals. At what point did the re-definition of marriage take precedence over my “freedom of Religion” as expressed in TWO places in my Constitution(a)?  And if it’s so important for you to have an accepted LEGAL/CIVIL definition of the joining of two people, why are you so BENT on calling it marriage?

I love my friends. I hope they listen someday. Why? Because I know something. Something that they can know too. And I care for them so much that I am willing to accept ridicule so that they have ONE MORE CHANCE to hear that Jesus, the son of the ONE TRUE GOD, is REAL and He Loves them all.  Jesus desires that NONE should perish but that all should accept His gift of salvation.

My favorite comments always start with ‘once-upon-a-time you didn’t mind when …’

And after all,  it is true that once-upon-a-time, I didn’t mind…

However, during that time, I did not like the kind of human being I was. I was lost and searching for a way back to the man I knew I could be. I was so wrapped up in my own identity crisis and my lack of a path, that I didn’t care what others did. I was so lost and without wisdom that I would absorb ANYTHING and EVERYTHING because NOTHING can fill the void left when the Truth of the Word of God is not present and the  relationship with your Creator is gone.

But, Life doesn’t have to be so hard, so lonely and desperate. All you need do is ask. Just Ask and He will be there for you.

So I say a prayer for our brother Yousef, and for our sister Rose Marie Belforti. I lift them up and hope that I too, will have the courage to stand up, be counted and, God willing, may the evidence pile up against me.

Constitution notes:
(a)in the First Amendment, and the Article VI prohibition on religious tests as a condition for holding public office. The First Amendment prohibits the federal government from making a law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” This provision was later expanded to state and local governments, through the Incorporation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

I welcome your comments and conversation.

– Be Yourself, Be Well, and Be Loved,

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

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