Why who I am is not one event.

Why who I am is not one event.

Proof As part of my application for the K-Love scholarship to Colorado Christian University, I have been asked to write about an event or experience in my life and how it would influence my academic work and goals. It is a pretty cool question but I have been having a problem with the concept of ONE event. So I drafted this below entry as my essay submission. Please give me feedback on both the content and the grammar.

—- Start Critique —- Last Edited 1/5/2015 – Submitted to CCU 1/5/2015

Who I am is not one … Click to Continue

Serving a LGBTQ community

*Edited on 3/16/2017 + updated scriptural references. *

I am probably going to ruffle some feathers today…

Which, on one hand, is okay by me since I am not here to make YOU happy and agree with you. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE you. I would hate for you to go away mad. However, it is my calling to make you THINK and RESPOND within the context of living life in fellowship (or community) with integrity as followers of Jesus.

If we, as followers of Christ, are truly called to be leaders with integrity, I implore you! Do not simply choose to be offended and shut-off your brain. Do not choose to chicken out and ignore this post without challenging yourself and your … Click to Continue

Not Ourselves

Not Ourselves

I will not ever apologize for expressing my beliefs and thoughts. I will, however, clarify the motivation and intent behind those expressions of thought.I have strong beliefs, built upon observations, study and pretty reasonable (IMHO) inferences of the world cultures, history, and the world around us. And yet those beliefs are not intended to be separating and dividing walls, but a means to communicate the very concepts and ideas that should be connecting and unifying us. Almost all of them boil down to these two ideals:

1) We are here to bring honor and glory to the one we worship, NOT ourselves.
2) We ARE here to serve others, NOT ourselves.

For example, for some, what you worship is an ideal. Whether that ideal … Click to Continue