As usual, the man with ADHD (me) has a million things flying through my head and I want to write about them all. However, if I don’t get them out on a list I know I won’t remember. So here we go.
Up Coming Blog Topics to Write About
The Budget Debate: Lessons in Communication
House Hold Lessons
God’s Promises: Provision vs Position?
A Father’s Blessing
Driven to Achieve: Motivation vs. Being Content (in Christ)
A Man’s Role: What Does Leadership Look Like ( in the Home, in the Modern Family)
A Man’s Role: What Does Respect Look Like ( in the Home, in the Modern Family)
A Man’s Role: What Does Leadership Look Like ( at work )
A Man’s Role: What Does Respect Look Like ( at work )
That is about all I have this afternoon. I am sure I will add to it in the comments…..
Enjoy. I will pop these out soon.
Until then, May the Lord continue to bless your path.
Your Brother-In-Christ.
May Jesus have His way with your day
– Gary C –
Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father. He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management, Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:, Co-Founder of the online Bible study app:BibleCounts