When Christ’s body isn’t or Dreams of Mc Dreamy.

Even dreams of Mc Dreamy can be spirit-led.

It was 3 am when I started writing this so please forgive me if this is chaotic in thought or subject. I felt that the Spirit wanted me to share:

I had a dream that Mc Dreamy ( a nickname for Dr. Shepard, a character from the TV show Grey’s Anatomy) , was our men’s pastor. He used his surgery and medical training in his calling to train up leaders and young pastors such as myself. His heart for Zola (their adopted daughter), his patients and his Family (wife) were the basis for his “story” as were the miracles God worked in his life through tragedy and medicine. However, he, like other men, had failings. Frustration, Ego, materialism. Sadly, there were other failings were accused of him even though they were baseless. Accusations such as fraternization (“over friendliness” with those of “inappropriate age or sex”), affairs, verbal abuse, harassment and abuse of power and church funds.

The thing is, in this dream as it does in life, nothing went under investigation or through the correct process of discussion and redemption. Instead, people with broken egos went looking for flaws in another human being to make themselves seem more holy and good. As if the world was not filled with enough sin, these people had to assign their own insecurities and misgivings unto another child of God. The organization known as “the church”, had supplanted the body of Christ. The bean counting, reputation boosting, media frenzy craving, bureaucrats had dug into their copies of “Robert’s Rules of Order” to find the most unhealthy, yet socially accepted way to ostracize a flawed yet grace filled brother and fellow child of the Most High God.

In the dream, I immediately rejected those “in the know”. I spoke in front of the congregation about the injustice of it all. I spoke about the ways the Lord has instructed us to confront leaders and brothers in the Church family. I spoke about a path of redemption and asked for proof to be made known and not some media snippet made for the 6 o-clock news. In spite of which, the campaigning continued until they were sure that a “fair vote” could be guaranteed to go alongside their plans and non-Christ-like agenda’s.

Even though this was a dream, this left a bad taste in my mouth. I awoke, very emotional. I was angry, felt rejected and personally hurt. Even though this was a dream and in the dream, I was not the actual target. However, this vision of duplicity pointed out one huge failing of the Body of Christ throughout time.

The apostle Paul talked a little about our need to belong or associate with a specific pastor. Speaking of Himself and Apollos, another prominent disciple in his day, Paul discussed the notion of belonging to a human leader as foolish. We all should belong to Jesus. The egos and personalities should step aside and lead people to Jesus. The reputations and budgets are subjected to God’s will the Spirit’s leading. ( Read: 1 Cor 1-3 .  Start at: 1 Cor 1:10-17 )

Are mega-churches bad? Is organized religion bad? Are smaller churches better? No, not inherently. None of those are inherently true. However, anytime, few have sway over many, there is a temptation to maintain control over the calling given to God’s people. We are to spread the Gospel, do good works, and show Christ’s love to all the world through ALL we do. In short, we are called to glorify the Heavenly Father. We are not called to boost our Church brand, nor that of our lead pastor or any governing body.

As a rule, as leaders we should be giving more than getting. There is nothing wrong with being successful or making a good living, but what are we doing with these blessings of resources? I personally, take this dream as a reminder, and cautionary tale. It is a story that I have been witness to through my friends in ministry. Here is what I took away from the dream, their experiences, and Scripture.

  • Building the Bylaws of an organization like a church or non-profit, so that they enforce the guidelines found in scripture are no easy thing. However, this stuff actually happens as people come into roles of influence. One thing I learned in business is that contracts make for solid relationships and locks keeps honest people honest. That basically means, when you have guidelines that are clear, concise, and have meaning, people have a tendency to stick to them when they possess a common understanding of these guidelines.
  • We are called to lead those of weaker flesh (and minds) and therefore must attend to the needs of their faith (little “f”). As the Apostle Paul puts it, sometimes that means we don’t eat meat. This means that sometimes we adjust our behaviors to help others within the limits they placed around their faith until such a day that the Spirit gives them freedom and victory over their own limitations. Faith (big F) is not bound by rules and jealousy, It’s not religion, it’s relationships, that Jesus wanted us to pursue with Him and the Father.
  • We are called to be good stewards of money. It’s good to have a savings account. However, do not place more emphasis on your investment plan over the Lord’s provision. We are to be leaders in giving, building up others and training others. We are to open our lives and our homes to our family in Christ. So ask the questions with each purchase, “What could Jesus have me do with this resource?”  “How can this thing help me glorify the Lord?”  Sometimes the answers can be astounding. Sometimes, though less often, it means that we do go big with that flat screen because God will use it in our ministry.
  • Transparency is a key, core value. We are called to be leaders who are above reproach. In our positions, we deal with ego, emotions, love, lust, greed, envy, and other kinds of strong emotional strife. We should be wary of placing ourselves in ANY appearance of improper conduct. I learned this lesson early while ministering to the sick. What made this lesson stick for me, was that I learned this through my mother. She insisted on accompanying me as I went to pray and lay hands on a young woman my age. Though I was strong in my faith, I was still very young and possibly naive in my thinking. I was more concerned with serving than being vulnerable to circumstances but my mother ensured that I thought of the consequences of being alone, even in prayer, with any woman that wasn’t my wife. (I was not married, but the risk is still there). It was a moment in ministry I will not forget. Even though it was almost 20 years ago, and I am still very grateful for the lesson.
  • God will move you along if you stay too long in a ministry, job, or other “comfortable place”. Sometimes He does this with a less than gentle nudge. God tells us in scripture that He does this to prepare us, Like a smith God ” … will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested.” (Zech 13:9)  Like the smith, God is shaping us to make us more valuable and so that we might shine later.  God know the plans He has for us. “Plans to prosper you and …” (Jer 29:11-13)  So listen to the Leading of the Spirit and remember to take the season of rest given to us. Because the next mission field we are placed in, may be more challenging, but it will have so much more meaning and significance to the Lord’s plans for us. So rest while you can, and Do not be afraid to move on.

*NOTE (added 09/17/2015): I heard an interesting argument regarding suffering and purification so I wanted to be clear. I am not saying God uses suffering to purify believers and make them Holy.  In fact Zechariah 13 is talking about the trials of Israel that God used to remove the unbelievers from His people before He blessed them.     HOWEVER… God is shaping us to be the rulers of His kingdom, as co-heirs with Christ. He does use trials and suffering to prepare us for each new stage of life, especially when we are slow to learn (like myself).      It is in our struggle and trials, where the power of Christ is revealed, and made known, bringing honor and glory to the name of Jesus. 

I do not know who this was for today, but I was led to publish this in short order. I hope and pray you read this in the Spirit in which it was written. Remember, “God is good, all the time.” I am praying for you, and would love to hear from you if this has helped you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. (even at 4 am.)

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

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