I love feedback and discussion. Today’s post was motivated by discussions that came after a Men’s Discipleship group called Resolute, that I attend once a week. Thanks to one member’s prompting, (thanks Rob), we’ve started to continue our discussion after the regular meeting so that we can check-in with one another and help with accountability. Some part of that is talking about our current struggles and that means getting really transparent about who we are and what we deal with at a very personal level. As I listened to some of the discussion, I felt the spirit move me to share a little of my past experience with purity struggles. As I shared some strategies I’ve learned from others and through experience, I suddenly heard “the voice of the accuser” try to drown out my desire to advise with doubt, shame and guilt. The enemies of God use discouragement and shame very effectively to dissuade us from building one another up. Don’t let this keep us from giving ourselves to the work of the Lord.
The enemies of God use discouragement and shame very effectively to dissuade us from building one another up. Don’t let this keep us from giving ourselves to the work of the Lord.
That got me thinking about one real question and criticism that I feel every once in a while. That is, Who are you and why should I listen to you? That is always a very loaded question (or set of questions). So here is a bit of my story…
I am Gary Cartagena. I currently live in the Minneapolis (Minnesota) area. We moved here a few years ago from San Diego, California. I love children, dogs (usually), technology and digging into Biblical History. I grew up in a military family and then I spent most of my career as a technology consultant. The end result is that I’ve traveled a lot, and lived among diverse groups. I’ve experienced many cultures and have had many successes and failures in life. Until recently, I ran a software development group in downtown Minneapolis. I’ve been drawn to serve others and called to do ministry work. At one point I was pursuing a degree program in Biblical Studies and Organization Leadership, but I’ve come to realize that I was motivated to this course by the very question that prompted this writing. In any case, even though I am on a path to be an ordained pastor, I felt the Lord calling me to a deeper understanding of Biblical principals and organizational concepts in order to honor His calling. That doesn’t require a degree. I will take classes and become fluent to the point of certification and at some point a degree, but my focus is serving the people the Lord has placed within my area of influence. This is my God given Responsibility, and the people who allow me to serve them have given me Authority to speak into their lives.
More than all of that, “who I am”, is a man, like some and unlike others. I am deeply in love with my wife, whom I believe the Lord has blessed me with. I also adore the family which God has blessed me, as a husband, father, and uncle. I’ve served in various roles as a mentor and facilitator in men’s ministry, children’s ministry and church production (technical) staff. In business, I have been a consultant in roles like software developer, technical architect, business analyst, and even product development. As a leader, I’ve served as Director of IT, CTO, and CEO of more than one organization. I’ve run tech companies, a background screening agency, a digital advertising group and even a real-estate investment group. God gifted me with a mind for strategic planning and foresight. I wont talk numbers, but I’ll just say ‘I was very successful’ in business. As it goes for most successful people, though I have had some successes, I have experienced really spectacular failures as well. Those failures have given me tremendous insight on how NOT to do many things.
Even with those career successes, gifts and insights, my passion and calling has been to serve in ways that allow me to speak life into others. Life just doesn’t need to be as hard as we, ourselves, make it. Originally, I trained as a business and communications coach. I enjoyed writing for a travel blog and for a self-help group. Then, as the Lord got a hold of my heart, this blog that started as a site for a Men’s group called “Caleb Strong“.
For most of my life I have been compelled to action rather than study. I have always taken necessary classes and training when I needed to learn something specific otherwise, I will do the research necessary to achieve a project or goal. My primary learning tool has been hands-on experience and mentoring. Early in my life I discovered I was not like most people. I realized that I don’t process information the same way many others do. I didn’t realize until my 30’s that I was an adult with ADHD. I’ve been able to function in the business world due to coping mechanisms developed over time. Additionally, I am great with pattern recognition and this talent has helped me in business and ministry. I am definitely an “active” or “high energy” learner. My ADHD has a lot to do with this as a style of learning, to be sure. If I can interact with the information, I will absolutely absorb it. I had a bit of trepidation about going back to school and starting a new career path, but I am going to do my best and pray for peace.
So what does this say about who I am and why should others listen?
I speak, from the heart, from the lessons of experience, and because I care. I know the pain and brokenness of one who has lost everything. I know joy of one who Jesus has restored in His kingdom and in the current world. Through all of my experiences, God has given me, the wisdom of Solomon in some areas. (not all by any means.) So essentially I write, coach and mentor, because I don’t want others to have to go through the pain I have been through. I have a lot of life experience, in part because I am old ( ^_^ ) but mostly because I am continually to relying on God’s word found in the Bible. I want you to know that Jesus’s gift of redemption is for all of us. And if I can show you the Love of Jesus by being the hands and feet that serve, than I am complete in what the Lord has created me to do.
TheStrongFoundation.org and it’s member sites CalebStrong.org and EstherStrong.org are about becoming the leaders God calls us to be, at work, in our homes, churches and communities at large.
Always remember to Be *Strong*™.
Thank you for reading and for your comments…
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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