“Strong like Caleb”
or “Caleb Strong“, refers specifically, to the attitude, activities, and behavior patterns that are modeled for us in Scripture by Caleb in Joshua and Numbers.
Caleb had very specific qualities like honor, faith, truthfulness, and a fearlessness fueled by his assurances from God’s word and provision. Additionally he shows us obedience to God’s will, a willingness to work hard, and a desire to be a leader of men.
Caleb Strong is about developing a STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, before we worry about physical strength. This idea of strengthening character is something that needs to be learned in all areas of life. We all, need to raise our standards. There are even public schools involved in a program called “Character Counts” targeted at this very thing. Maybe, just maybe, we can learn something from scripture…
As we read in Scripture, it is time for us to “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Your every action must be done with love.” ( 1Co 16:13-14 )
This is not a childish nor selfish ‘love’ spoken of here. It is a familial, enduring love, like that of a parent or brother. It is a knowing love that strives to do what is best for others, whether or not they care for you. Unconditional, eyes-wide-open, love, is what we are called to give. That is the heart of a servant/leader. And that is the heart of Caleb.
We will continue to discuss what it means, and what it takes to be Caleb Strong. Join us in taking back the active leadership in our families, our communities, and our churches. We need to rise to the challenge and be “Caleb Strong“.
Find us on Twitter and Facebook.
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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