March Update: Marketing, Fundraising and Fellowship

Yes, it is both sad and true. It has been over 3 months since my last post and by my count almost 6 since I posted anything of substance.

So what does that mean for my 5 whole full-time readers? – Well, in a nutshell, I suck…What it really means, other than that, is that I have been in some SERIOUS transition.

I have separated from the company for which I was building marketing efforts and product lines. There was just too much of me going in and not enough of me coming out at the end of the day. I had a hard time separating my personal goals from the company goals. This is good and fine if all … Click to Continue

The act of preparing the field.

In previous posts I have  discussed the difference between being a farmer and a fisherman. The gist is that a farmer must have more resources and time than a fisherman.

To quote myself (one must really have a large ego to use themselves as a reference. ;-p )

From: are-you-a-farmer

  • The farmer needs land (office), seed (money), and provisions until the season bears fruit. The fisherman just needs his net (tools) and skill.
  • The farmer’s time to produce is measured in seasons (months). The Fisherman’s time is measured in tides (hours).
  • The farmer is bound to the land he toils (employer, or project). The fisherman is bound to the fish (the work and the people). If the fish move, so … Click to Continue

I have a need to share…

I have been neglecting my writing here for a few really bad reasons. The primary one is my mad obsession with tweeting. No really. I tweet for social reasons (of course) and for work. I am looking for work, promoting projects and even promoting sites or causes in which I believe. You can see most of my posts on this site, or via my Facebook or Linked-In pages. Yes, yes its true. I really do need the attention.

Lately, I have cut back on my writing. I am no longer writing the Travel Logs and I am not working at Big Green or the sticker company any longer.  I am officially an out-of-work nerd and techno-weenie. Yet, I have … Click to Continue

God’s provision for our NEEDS

Man’s doctrine vs. Biblical doctrine.

I LURV my friends. My friends are wonderfully intelligent and because of this they pose wonderful insights and questions. I really like the questions that during the process of answering, I discover or sometimes re-discover or realize something anew.

I must insist, as we continue, on one thing. Don’t believe me. READ the versus I am summarizing so that you also, can take the words in the correct context.

One such statement/question was posed to me this very day. My friend posed the question or rather stated the existence of a cult/sect of Christians who, taking out of context the words of Jesus, do no work and rely on charity and a lifestyle of social … Click to Continue