Small updates and prayer request

Hello brothers,
I just wanted to drop you all an update and give you all thanks for your continued prayers for our trek to Minnesota.

We made it last week to Minnesota. We tried to take our time and really treat it as a new adventure. Debbie and I went to the Grand Canyon and stopped off at Boys Town on our way here.
The man who founded Boys Town is a huge inspiration and reminder of what kind of lasting work can be done when our Savior is on our side.

Upon arrival we have had quite a few challenges.
The first night we arrived, all hotels within 30miles of the city were full (no room at the inn?) due to airport closures. We finally found a hotel in a town called Elk River about 40 miles north.

I know that these are all distractions and attempts to discourage us.

We had some challenges with the house when we finally got in.
There was a large storm which exposed some leaks and caused water damage to the kitchen and made a mess in the basement.
The water heater was broken and a few other issues.
As of last Thursday (the 26th of July) we have a fully functioning kitchen and hot water again and the rest is slowly being resolved.
I have been at work for the last week and a few days. Initially it was difficult on Debbie and I as we tried to find our roles at home and began to adjust expectation of what could be accomplished at home outside of my work schedule.  There is also a bit of overwhelm as we try to find a place for the things we have and make due with the things we don’t.

I know that these are all distractions and attempts to discourage us.
Please my friends, I ask for your continued prayers for our Saviors patience, love and grace for each other and those we have to deal with until these issues are resolved. I would ask special prayers for my wife, Debbie. Allow the Lord to give her patience and discernment with the choice, and ensuing change, between a career oriented life or being a full time home-maker and stay at home mom. I think the more difficult job is definitely at home but she is not quite sure how to apply her amazing amazing skills and professional nature to managing things at home.

Please my friends, I ask for your continued prayers for our Saviors patience, love and grace…

Thank you again for your love and support, I will try to write again soon.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord continue to shine His face upon you.

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
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