Alpha Course Anyone?

I am looking into curriculum choices for our Clarity Church summer series of small groups.

The intent of small groups is to offer a way to build connections between members of Christ’s family and allow us to go deeper into relationship with Christ as we build relationships with each other. Additionally, if we can offer something compelling to the believer and non-believer alike, we have the opportunity to share Christ’s love with those outside of our family and reach out to our communities and those disconnected from our Lord. As scripture says:

… let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit … Click to Continue

So you say it’s your Birthday!

It’s my Birthday too, ya!


On this day of celebration, I see just how much things have changed, despite those things that stay the same.

Here I sit, finally completing a thought, putting my inspiration of spirit into a glom of words, to share with you. Looking in my “drafts” folder, I can count no less than 6 posts that are incomplete. I have 3 personal development projects sitting incomplete, including the site.  I have a couple of stagnant home improvement projects waiting for me. All of them sit until I have “FREE TIME”. That’s the time between work, and familial obligations; rest and fervent haste to complete something or be somewhere.

I can’t help but do a … Click to Continue

Caleb Strong Men’s Challenge: Love on your families.

This is my anniversary weekend. I am a blessed man, but I am only blessed because of Jesus’s example and Peter’s challenge to us. ‎1 Peter 3:7 – … husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman …, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. (ESV)  

Over 20 years ago, I met my wife and fell in love. I asked get to marry me back then and she told me to ask again later. It took 15 + years to ask again. She finally said yes. Four years together, and we have faced many challenges and adventures together, including a move across the … Click to Continue

We don’t miss them until they’re gone.

I am currently sitting at the dining room table. It’s a table I have sat at a few times before on visits to Grammy and Papa Joe’s home. The difference today, is that today, both of them are with our Lord. There will be no hug from Grammy at the breakfast table. I won’t be seeing Papa Joe’s great big smile.
It’s not that this was fully unexpected. When Papa Joe passed last year, I knew that Grammy was not going to keep running this race much longer without him. Grammy and Grampa were very interdependant. I say that with much adoration. They did everything together. Sure, Grammy was a technophile. She had a highly ranked web log ( blog … Click to Continue