God’s provision for our NEEDS

Man’s doctrine vs. Biblical doctrine.

I LURV my friends. My friends are wonderfully intelligent and because of this they pose wonderful insights and questions. I really like the questions that during the process of answering, I discover or sometimes re-discover or realize something anew.

I must insist, as we continue, on one thing. Don’t believe me. READ the versus I am summarizing so that you also, can take the words in the correct context.

One such statement/question was posed to me this very day. My friend posed the question or rather stated the existence of a cult/sect of Christians who, taking out of context the words of Jesus, do no work and rely on charity and a lifestyle of social … Click to Continue

RANT: There is no such thing as NOT lovable.

This rant was triggered by an episode of self loathing a friend went through. (better known as the “why doesn’t so-and-so love me” or “Will I ever find anyone who REALLY loves me?”)

I give the same advice to everyone, and sometimes what I have to say is NOT PRETTY but always true.

Brass Tax: If you aren’t “Loved” its because you aren’t Loving.

Putting yourself “out there” is more than dressing up and playing let’s make a deal in the dating scene. You have to be willing to show love unconditionally. Heck most people can’t even CARE unconditionally. This doesn’t mean be blind to glaring faults and it CERTAINLY does NOT mean go have sex with bunches of people … Click to Continue

Pictures worth thousands of words.

T and me.

T and me.

Hello all,

Just a quick note to share a little.

We recently received the pictures from our wedding  in February. I have posted many of them to Flikr.com. There is a limit to the amount of pictures I can post there so not all of the family made it up there. There is a simple slide show that is viewable there as a mash-up of all the images, no music just their automated view. If you have trouble seeing it let me know and I will send you the “Guess Pass” link or you can just click on the image to the left here.

We are so appreciative of all the Love and Support from our extended family. Many thanks to all our family and friends who were with us on this journey.

Thanks, to our amazing photographer Carol Davis. Carol Davis Photography is putting together a much more complete slide show with music and all. Be on the lookout for their new website at Carol Davis Photography .

I will have more to write for next week. Last time I wrote on talent takes work. Next time I would like to look at our gifts and what we choose to do with them.

Thank you for reading and for comments…
– Be Yourself, Be Well, and Be Loved,

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
View Gary Cartagena’s profile

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Talent takes work.

As usual, I want to share a bit of my experience with you. I do expect that some of you will think me strange or delusional and I am okay with that.  As a good friend says, “What other people think of me is none of my business”. I agree with him whole-heartedly.

We’re ALL built and blessed with passion and special abilities called gifts or talents. (a summary of I Cor 12:4-8)

Some people are given physical gifts. Gifts like these, such as endurance, strength, or athletic talents. Others are given social talents like the gifts of counsel, negotiation and so forth. There are other intellectual gifts such as creativity, the gift of written words or song. Even logic, … Click to Continue