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May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
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Another beggining

This is the beginning of a new journey of faith…

I haven’t really written much lately. November to now has turned into the busiest part of my life in a few years. The last few months have flown by. Between work, family, and life in our new church home, Clarity Church, we have been going, planning, and doing with little time for rest.

I am blessed to be a father to a young man who is growing in Christ and husband to an amazing Christ loving woman that honors me and makes me proud to be a married man.

At home we were hit with a household flu epidemic. The house sprang a few new … Click to Continue

Learning, growing, and church planting.

Hello all,

I have been lagging in my updates and posts as of late. It seems I can only focus on 4 things at once. Aside from work, family, and work (yes I put that in there twice) the fourth major life focusing event is CHURCH PLANTING…. Yes, I did say that phrase. Church planting is truly an act of obedience to Jesus’s command to go and make disciples in the world. Working with a team to create a new church family has been an amazing experience both in the sense of family that is built and the things you learn.

I have learned many new applications for old skills I have. Thinking back twenty or so years, I remember … Click to Continue

So you say it’s your Birthday!

It’s my Birthday too, ya!


On this day of celebration, I see just how much things have changed, despite those things that stay the same.

Here I sit, finally completing a thought, putting my inspiration of spirit into a glom of words, to share with you. Looking in my “drafts” folder, I can count no less than 6 posts that are incomplete. I have 3 personal development projects sitting incomplete, including the BibleCounts.com site.  I have a couple of stagnant home improvement projects waiting for me. All of them sit until I have “FREE TIME”. That’s the time between work, and familial obligations; rest and fervent haste to complete something or be somewhere.

I can’t help but do a … Click to Continue