Switching Roles for our “not so little” man

Switching Roles for our “not so little” man

This week, our little man, became a bit less little.

He turned 13 this week. This is a milestone in a young man’s life.
I remember, that at the age of 13, I was allowed to:

  • first shoot a rifle,
  • own my own pocket knife,
  • ride my bike to friend’s houses,
  • use the phone to call friends.

These are various freedoms we take for granted as an adult, but as a young man, these were all steps of responsibility and freedom.

Like me, Our son will gain new responsibilities and privileges:

  • open ( but still monitored) access to the internet,
  • his own email address,
  • and possibly access to FB … Click to Continue

Site Clean-Up

I did a little site maintenance today. We went from 780+ users to just over 80.

The reason for that is because those subscriber accounts were stale. They had not logged in in over 60 days and there was no posted activity at all. I now have a tool that will do that on a schedule.

This effort was taken to improve the experience of active readers. Since I block all spam posts and comments now have to be approved (due to spam abuse) I had noticed a pattern of new subscribers that log in, then realize they can’t spam. After the first login I never see them again. Those accounts are now cleaned up automatically as well.

If I deleted your account and you WANT that account, please re-register. I recommend you Log In and comment every so often to avoid getting hit by the Clean-Up monster.

Thanks for reading.

May God Bless your week.

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
View Gary Cartagena’s profile

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Content may be reused or reproduced according to the licensing restrictions without the specific permission of the owner or a reference to the source as per the licensing restrictions found at the link above.
Opinions of the authors may be generated from content obtained from other sources and such content is referenced as appropriate.

Another beggining

This is the beginning of a new journey of faith…

I haven’t really written much lately. November to now has turned into the busiest part of my life in a few years. The last few months have flown by. Between work, family, and life in our new church home, Clarity Church, we have been going, planning, and doing with little time for rest.

I am blessed to be a father to a young man who is growing in Christ and husband to an amazing Christ loving woman that honors me and makes me proud to be a married man.

At home we were hit with a household flu epidemic. The house sprang a few new … Click to Continue

Alpha Course Anyone?

I am looking into curriculum choices for our Clarity Church summer series of small groups.

The intent of small groups is to offer a way to build connections between members of Christ’s family and allow us to go deeper into relationship with Christ as we build relationships with each other. Additionally, if we can offer something compelling to the believer and non-believer alike, we have the opportunity to share Christ’s love with those outside of our family and reach out to our communities and those disconnected from our Lord. As scripture says:

… let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit … Click to Continue