Dreams of Lost Friends
Last night I dreamt (dreamed sp?) about a person from my past. It was strange for me for many reasons. One is that this person had a large hand in shaping who I am today, as a follower of Christ. The other is that, all though I don’t know the state of her relationship with our Savior since we haven’t spoken in almost 15 years. Back then I was regularly let down and disappointed by this person. In this dream we were just talking with other friends, friends who I haven’t seen or heard from in a long time, about their walk with our Lord. This dream was prompted by a loss. My wife lost a long time friend to lung cancer yesterday. While mourning with her and consoling her, I thought about all my friends, old and new, who may have broken relationships with Christ. That stuck with me and I carried it to bed.
So what about you? How many friends and family members do you have that don’t have that assurance of salvation? How many people do you know, who need a real relationship with the Son of the Most High King? Do you Love them enough to share Christ with them? What happens if you aren’t willing to be that warm friendly face that shares Christ’s Love with them?
I have a few friends, new and old, that I know need to hear how to have a relationship with Jesus. I care about them, enough to put myself in that awkward situation of looking like a Jesus Freak. In fact, at this point, if you know me at all, I am NOT SHY, you WILL know my Love for Christ soon after we meet. I have gotten over the awkwardness of it all because I was willing to take that first step in obedience to share the name of Jesus. It is an honor to be able to preach His name.
the Holy Spirit has turned that into a passion not let one more friend get to the end of their story without knowing our Lord
As for that friend in my dream. As usual, the enemy is trying to discourage me by reminding me of all my missed opportunities. The problem for the enemy, is that the Holy Spirit has turned that reminder, into a passion and a drive to not let one more friend, get to the end of their story, without knowing that they had the opportunity to know our Lord as I do. Jesus Christ Lives and desires an active relationship with each of us. I will continue to shout His name in joy. I will continue to push against their rigid concept of religion and show them the relationship with Jesus as the truth of the Gospel.
We are family through the church body and our Lord Christ
On a side note: I visited a new Church yesterday, Grace Fellowship in Brooklyn Park, MN. Their message series is on the tough questions of Christianity. The thing to note, more than the sermon on this day, is that on our first visit a couple reached out to us and opened their home. They invited us over for dinner. Over a simple dinner we shared our stories, how we met our spouses, the blessings of our children and so much more about our lives. I have never poured so much out to “strangers”. But the reality is that we are family through the church body and our Lord Christ. Why is this important? because it spoke to me. The opened their home and welcomed us into their church family more than any other church we have visited. This shows me that the Spirit is working in this church, it is an example of the Love of Christ and how Christ Lives with us.
I am more intrigued than before to re-visit this church. A quick point of interest: One of their staff is moving to Southern California. hmmmmm….. I wonder… God is good, All the time.
May God bless you and keep you.
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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