New Life in Minneapolis

Starting a New Life in Minneapolis

As some of you know, I have accepted a position for a company in Minneapolis MN. Aside from the normal challenges of work, I also have committed to being on site for two years starting in August. This puts a lot of things into perspective as we start he process of moving a family across the country. There are things we really don’t need, or want to carry into this new part of our lives. Expenses for things that we don’t use. Bad habits in our financial, social, or home lives, that we continued to carry with us from young adult-hood and even adolescence. We have an opportunity to change the roles that we basically fell into and be the God honoring, Christ loving, people we were created to be.

To that end I would like to make the following requests of myself, my BIC and my readers.

1) Hold me accountable. Make sure I remember that God comes first, my family comes second and work is third. IN THAT ORDER.

2)I must plug in and find a new place to serve. I have been serving in the Men’s Fraternity and Ministry 2 Men group. The Lord stoked a fire for this work. I wish to keep using that desire to honor Him. I will find a new place to do this ministry and start a new gathering of “Caleb Strong” men in this new place.

3) I shall continue to be a man of integrity. If I commit to anything without checking my family schedule (aka the wife’s schedule) or my ministry / work schedule, I am a doofus. That being said, I will honor my commitments to the best of my ability. I will honor God by doing my work to the best of my ability. I will honor my family by walking with our Lord and raising up Godly young men, and women in our home. I will honor my God and my family by loving my wife above all other persons and giving loving attention to my family.

Now for the new stuff.

4) I will make an effort to get to know my neighbors, showing them and all in our community the Love of Christ.

5) I will take an active role in our house to encourage us ALL to be more active, physically fit, and to take care of the body that our Lord has gifted us with.

6) I will be active in the planning of our financial future.

7) I shall try to show love and respect to all persons even while I stand up for and impart His Truth’s. I shall have to be more patient, loving and patient to all I encounter in my walk with Him. (yes I said patient twice)…

Even with that said: I shall not back down from His truth, I shall not change my beliefs, and I will not water down the Word, of the Lord our God, because others can not handle that He is righteous, He is pure and He is unfailing in all His ways.

I will miss the members of our group in San Diego, but I know the Lord has great plans for each of us. Now I must take His challenge to cross the river and go to the promised land. (But did it have to be the Mississippi. ^_^   )  To all my BIC, keep in touch, through email, this blog, text, phone, Facebook. whatever!  but we are family. I will always be your BIC…

Thank you to my mentors and those who helped me in the dark times in the last few years. God has blessed me with great Men to look to in my times of hardship and sorrow. I am better for knowing you.

I am not done with this blog. It may take me a little while to get back into a steady rhythm with all the cross country commuting and moving and such, but trust me, I have a lot more to say.

Just be patient for a couple of months. I will pop in every few weeks.

Thank you for reading,

May God bless you and use you, in ways that encourage and enrich your faith and your life. – Amen

-your BIC-

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
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