The Price of Obedience

I have so much to say about my frustrations in my spiritual and work lives. I am trying to express them without whining and with the understanding that I truly believe that Our Lord will provide.

Crisis of Spirit: Study Time.

I have been using Oswald Chambers book “My Utmost for His Highest” as a guide at the start of my devotional and study time. It is a collection of lectures given by Chambers in 1911-1917. The man’s work was blessed by the Lord. Each day I read and meditate on the material I have another profound breakthrough in prayer and obedience. This is both wonderful and horrible, inspiring and terrifying.

 Each day I read and meditate … I have another profound … Click to Continue

I am no better than any of you.

My end of year thoughts on New Year’s Eve…

I am very blessed. I have been blessed with a wife who believes in me and encourages me. I am blessed with an amazing young man whose heart fire the things of God motivate me to be better every day. I am blessed with an opportunity to serve Christ at home, in my work and in my service. Best of all, I am blessed with an unshakable faith.

The only difference between me and thee, is that I accepted the free gift of salvation from Christ Jesus AND SUBMITTED to His will.

These things were not true just four years ago. I am no better than any … Click to Continue

What values do we choose

Once more, I have to say I Luv my friends. One of them, who happened to be a BIC,  recently posed following the question for discussion:

In entertainment media would you rather see violence or sex?

I processed that one and the result becomes tiered layers of acceptance. The primary reason for the tiered acceptance is that I have to know for whom the media is displayed, and to what extent the content goes. For example, as an adult, I do not appreciate the graphic nature in the betrayal of sex OR violence. I do, however, watch films in the genre of  war, action, history and so forth. While those genre have a plethora of violence I will not indulge, at … Click to Continue

Site Update: SEO Rankings and Spam.

Email Overload

Art by: Image Zoo Illustrations RF Royalty Free

SEO Ranking and recognition has its drawbacks. ^_^

We have been hit by the internet spam monster. Our comment sections are overflowing with advertisements and comments that are sent in by bots with the only goal being to create back-links for phishing/scam or other spamtastic sites that wouldn’t exist in my perfect internet world. You won’t see them on the site because ALL COMMENTS are now moderated by an Admin. I guess I asked for it a little bit… Much like another sites I write for like Learn Differently, Computer Gurus, Redeemed-N-Delivered and the Original BibleCounts; The problem with this site was that I left the comments and registration open to ANYONE. The Hope was that I would get more honorable people posting, as opposed to SPAMMERS. (Yes, I AM in fact saying Spammers lack honor.)


Combat Spam

Art by: Image Zoo Illustrations RF Royalty Free

So once more I must change things up in order to combat SPAM. Articles and posts will still be open to everyone. The primary change is that comments may now only be permitted for registered users. This means that we have to approve registration AND the comment itself. Additionally we just added R-DNS and Email account verification to all Comment posts and Registration requests. Hopefully this improves the comment quality.  As we become more popular we will continue to modify the tech behind the site in order to keep the content and experience positive.

Thank you for your time and readership.

We pray God’s Love and Blessings to you and your families this Christmas season.

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
View Gary Cartagena’s profile

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