A talk about being a leader in the workplace.

I heard a great discussion today about a book “Jesus in the courtroom” by John Mauck.

The book, and the conversation, highlight how we ALL can be leaders in our places of work, and communities by living out our values as exemplified by Jesus Christ.  This is a 50 minute pod-cast, but the discussion starts around time marker 23:40. Take a listen, and let me know what you think.

John Mauck on Jesus in the courtroom

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May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C – Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is … Click to Continue

Leaping Into Spring

The Strong Foundation Logo

CalebStrong.org is under some more maintenance. We had already added new features for event tracking and registration. This was done to help us start new groups and track when a new group needs to be kicked off. You might notice that some older pages are gone. Most of those pages were focused on events that have long since ended. With the creation of the events calendar, and individual event pages, those type of event pages are no longer and the new one are more easily maintained.

We also have cleaned up some of the pages to make them less verbose (why can’t I just say “wordy”???), … Click to Continue

Leaders MUST Choose to Care

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

In His time on Earth and to this very day, the people are drawn to Jesus because of His amazing heart to care for, and love on (to show love to) people. Click to Continue