Suck it up

In case it doesn’t display the video for you, Click here:  Can you hear me?

I like the “Can you hear me” …. It really encourages him to listen to her and drives her point home. My grandfather used to whisper when he really wanted to be sure you heard him. The logic was that you would HAVE TO pay attention in order to hear him… much like the “Can you hear me” question.

“Suck it up”


Etymology : Probably a variation of the expression “suck up your chest,” meaning roughly “compose yourself, bear your troubles, stand tall, and proceed.”

Verb : suck it up (third-person singular simple present sucks it up, present participle sucking it up, simple past and past participle sucked it up)
(idiomatic) To put up with something; to deal with something, such as pain or misfortune, without complaining. To endure a period of mental, physical, or emotional hardship with no complaining.

Usage : I don’t care if you’re puppy died, suck it up,  get out there, and deal with it!

Synonyms : (put up with something): be a man, grin and bear it, lump it, push through it, take it like a man, deal with it, man up, cowboy up.

This, the most sobering phrase I have ever heard, came in one of the lowest points of my life. It was definitely a word from God at the time and it has always stuck with me. Until recently I was not sure why it made such an impact. While facilitating this round of Men’s Fraternity it seems to tie into a theme that is repeated over and over. And that is, “Stand up, make a choice, and get involved.”

Most people, remember the line from Joshua, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” But hardly anyone pays attention to the beginning of that verse. (Joshua 24:15)  Joshua is telling the story of the nation of Israel. He recounts their history and the Lords DIRECT hand in each and every turning point of their lives. He reminds them that the Lord has promised to provide and care for them as long as they are willing to keep His commandments. In this verse, Joshua has finished his dedication and basically tells all 12 tribes, that it is time for a revival. It is time to show respect for our Lord and serve Him faithfully.  (Joshua 24:14-15)  They have heard the accounting of the works of the Lord and now it is time for them to do one thing… Make the choice. Decide for yourself! Choose! (Joshua 24:15)  We all have that decision to make. We all have to figure out for what we shall fight. We are not victims!

Sadly, the person who said it to me, hates it when I repeat it because she thinks It sounds callous and mean. However, I count this statement as one of the best, most caring and compassionate things that a person has ever said to me at just the right time in my life. So much so, I married her. I am grateful everyday for the fact that she can speak to me IN TRUTH, WITH LOVE. Because of that statement so many years ago, I strive  everyday to remember that I am a man AND that the LORD has defined what that means.

Not only are we not victims, but the Lord has made us many promises. Within those promises are promises of power and strength when we obey.

  • Jesus promised us power over the enemy. (Luke 10:19)
  • We are promised the Lord help and comfort (Isaiah 41:13)
  • We are promised a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13)
  • We are promised that the world can not overcome us (1 John 4:4)
  • We are promised to restoration after trials. (1 Peter 5:10)
  • and Jesus promised to always be with us. (Matthew 28:20)

There are so many more promises than this, but I don’t have more time in my day to write them all. Even Job, the man of God whom was tested and tried, in the end, acknowledges the power and provision of the Lord (Job 42:2).

This blog entry didn’t go where I had initially planned. But the point is made. We are not victims. I look around and I see a world falling apart. I see people calling themselves “Christians” and giving lip service to salvation. Yet these same persons are spouting the lies of the world as facts:

  • if you are good enough…
  •  there are many paths to God…
  • you have the power within you…

I have looked at every other world view from eastern religions like Bushido and Buddhism, to new paganism, and even self-righteous intellectualism (aka. new atheism). The facts are that they all fall short. They fail due to a severe lack of factual correlation to the real, observable, measurable universe. (Psalm 19:1-6)

IT IS time for us to “cowboy up”! Let’s put on our big boy pants and make some choices.

I have chosen to follow the Lord, with all my heart, mind and strength.  This has cost me work, long time friendships, the toys & gadgets, and other worldly “things”.

Because of this choice, I have been accused of:

  • “being a sheep”, I assume because I am following “the crowd” even though “the crowd” is so very counter to what our current culture accepts as truth.
  • being brainwashed, because I have given up “things” for “religion”, even though I shun “religion” for the sake of a relationship with my Lord Jesus.
  • being weak, because I am not fighting for worldly things, even though these things are counter to my values.
  • having a crutch in my faith, (similar to being weak I suppose), even though I fight for my family, my faith, and all that Jesus calls us to be.
  • giving up, on my friends, on my career, my wealth, my earthly talents
  • being hypocritical because I preach about the God I railed against in my past.

The only defense I have is….

  • Am I a sheep? Well I follow the creator and His son who was the most vocal critic of government, religion and the “herd” mentality…. If He chose to be my shepherd than… “Baaaah!”
  • Am I brain washed or in a cult? Given the facts of historic and scientific PROOF, I have placed my trust in the God of the universe. Is that different from before? ABSOLUTELY! Is using reason and logic to lead my emotion and heart brainwashed? If so, you should try it once in a while…
  • Am I weak? Have you tried to compare yourself with the Creator of all existence? Have you tried to walk in the steps of Christ? If so, then you KNOW you’re weak and a failure. You CAN NOT live up to that standard. No person can!
  • Do I have a crutch in Christ? YOU BET!  I am called to be better, to be held apart, separated from the rest. I am called to be HOLY and only with and through Christ can I even try to achieve such a lofty goal. (Philippians 1:21)
  • Have I given up? Yes. I have given up sin, I have given up fighting the blessings that the Lord has set apart for me, I have given up trying to do things in my own power. I can now call upon the power, strength and creativity of the Lord, and He has continued to bless me for it.
  • Am I a hypocrite? I have spent my time looking for the “thing” that would fill the void in my life. I yearned for knowledge and wisdom, love and acceptance, true strength and power. If learning, growing, and applying that which you have learned makes me a hypocrite, then … YEP,  that’s me!

I can love others because He First loved me. (1 John 4:19)
I accept that love and I do my best to share it. What about you? Stand up and make your choice. Share the love of Christ and take up the call to LEAD!

In case it doesn’t display the video for you, Click here:  As for Me and My House

May Jesus have His way with your day

  – Gary C –

Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father.
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts

View Gary Cartagena's LinkedIn profile
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4 Responses to Suck it up

  1. Pingback: It’s still not just about me… « B.I.C.: On-Fire for God's call™

  2. Pingback: It’s still not just about me… « B.I.C.: On-Fire for God's call™ – Just Ask…

  3. Pingback: No man is an Island « Just Ask…

  4. Gary C says:

    Today was a day where I really needed to read my own blog post. Difficult start to me day.. Thank you to Greg and God for the encouragement encouragement.

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