Caleb Strong Men’s Challenge: Love on your families.

This is my anniversary weekend. I am a blessed man, but I am only blessed because of Jesus’s example and Peter’s challenge to us. ‎1 Peter 3:7 – … husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman …, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. (ESV)  

Over 20 years ago, I met my wife and fell in love. I asked get to marry me back then and she told me to ask again later. It took 15 + years to ask again. She finally said yes. Four years together, and we have faced many challenges and adventures together, including a move across the … Click to Continue

He makes all things new.

The Bible teaches us that Jesus came to this world in order to save it. In short He came to make all things new. We are new creations in Christ. We are made the Father’s new family in Christ. Our old self, the carnal, the physical self, dies to make way for our new, reborn spiritual self.

Sometimes I need to be reminded of these things. Sometimes I am so wrapped up in the symantecs, or meanings of the words and phrases that I forget to look at the deep meaning, the true meaning of things. I get so wrapped up in the legalism, of the commandments, and the rituals of my daily patterns, that I forget to show true … Click to Continue

Hedge of Protection

Today we praise God for His Hedge of Protection ( Psalm 91:1-16 ).

Last night on the way home from picking up our son, we were in a car accident. It looks much worse than it we got though. Air bags deployed and our car may possibly be considered totaled. When all was said and done, God provided His protection. We were all checked out at the Hennepin County Medical Center, and everyone was quickly pronounced well and told we could go home. The most severe injury was sustained by my wife. She has a friction “burn” from the airbag on her arm. Though we got home rather late, we are all home and following the doctor’s orders to rest and … Click to Continue

Dreams Die, Christ Lives

Dreams of Lost Friends

Last night I dreamt (dreamed sp?)  about a person from my past. It was strange for me for many reasons. One is that this person had a large hand in shaping who I am today, as a follower of Christ. The other is that, all though I don’t know the state of her relationship with our Savior since we haven’t spoken in almost 15 years. Back then I was regularly let down and disappointed by this person. In this dream we were just talking with other friends, friends who I haven’t seen or heard from in a long time, about their walk with our Lord. This dream was prompted by a loss. My wife lost a long time friend to … Click to Continue