Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father. He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management, Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:, Co-Founder of the online Bible study app:BibleCounts
I had a pretty important exchange with my boy today.
It was prompted by an evening spent in frustration, the night before, as he tried to cram a weeks worth of homework into a four hour span. This, despite my warnings during the week. He and I had discussed and agreed that this work was to be completed before bedtime Friday evening (10:30 this particular Friday, since there wasn’t anywhere to be in the morning). We looked at how much work he had left from his summer break and he determined he definitely had enough time in the next 5 days to complete it all. He gave his word that it would be completed or that he would not have a … Click to Continue →
I gave the invocation at our Emanuel Faith Community Church graduation ceremony for Men’s Fraternity: The Great Adventure last night.
In preparing for this talk, I reviewed “Caleb’s Prayer”, a prayer that has been around for a few years in the Men’s Frat community. I have seen it published a few times, like at Warrior’s Hand and on the Alameda Church of Christ site. I used this as a basis for my talk for the men. We dove into scripture and really pulled out the verses that spoke specifically to those points. I created a slightly modified version of the “Prayer of Caleb” and you … Click to Continue →
As usual, the man with ADHD (me) has a million things flying through my head and I want to write about them all. However, if I don’t get them out on a list I know I won’t remember. So here we go.
Up Coming Blog Topics to Write About
The Budget Debate: Lessons in Communication
House Hold Lessons
God’s Promises: Provision vs Position?
A Father’s Blessing
Driven to Achieve: Motivation vs. Being Content (in Christ)
A Man’s Role: What Does Leadership Look Like ( in the Home, in the Modern Family)
A Man’s Role: What Does Respect Look Like ( in the Home, in the Modern Family)
A Man’s Role: What Does Leadership Look Like ( at work )
A Man’s Role: What Does Respect Look Like ( at work )
That is about all I have this afternoon. I am sure I will add to it in the comments…..
Enjoy. I will pop these out soon.
Until then, May the Lord continue to bless your path.
Your Brother-In-Christ.
May Jesus have His way with your day
– Gary C –
Gary Cartagena is a dedicated husband and father. He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management, Founder of the Men’s Leadership site:, Co-Founder of the online Bible study app:BibleCounts