Some house keeping and an update

First the housekeeping.

The comments on the site have been limited to registered users. I am unable to see the value in keeping open forums when I have had one post in a week that was valid and 120 spam posts in the same time period.  Registration is free, with a valid email address and your fingerprint registration. (no fingerprinting necessary in the US.  ^_^  )

Please take the time to register if you want your comments to be read or to be shared.


And now: my updates…

We have finally taken down the old “Just Ask” website. If you know anyone who was still reading the old Just Ask site. Please point them here. I am working on getting a … Click to Continue

Who is in control?

In my morning quiet time, I came upon this passage.

Then Job answered the LORD and said,  “I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. ‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge ?’ “Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.” Hear, now, and I will speak ; I will ask You, and You instruct me.’ “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear ; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes.”- Job 42:1-6

As I read these words, they spoke to me and I fealt compelled to remind all … Click to Continue

Let Him Lead.

It’s hard to let go…

It has been a while since my last post. Much is going in our lives, and I have been bad and went into my shell instead of sharing. is on the road. We have been offered a chance to move for work and I am currently in Minnesota getting a bit of training before I start working full time. When this opportunity came up, I spent too much time in my head and over thinking God’s plan. I kept trying to out think the situation, come up with contingencies for keeping the old office open and meet everyone’s needs.

A very wise woman (my wife) told me, “Let’s pray that God closes the doors … Click to Continue

What does it mean to be “Caleb Strong”?

“Strong like Caleb”

or “Caleb Strong“, refers specifically, to  the attitude, activities, and behavior patterns that  are modeled for us in Scripture by Caleb in Joshua and Numbers.

Caleb had very specific qualities like honor, faith, truthfulness, and a fearlessness fueled by his assurances from God’s word and provision. Additionally he shows us obedience to God’s will,  a willingness to work hard, and a desire to be a leader of men.
Caleb Strong is about developing a STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, before we worry about physical strength. This idea of strengthening character is something that needs to be learned in all areas of life. We all, need to raise our standards. There are even public schools involved in a program called “Character Counts” … Click to Continue