I am currently sitting at the dining room table. It’s a table I have sat at a few times before on visits to Grammy and Papa Joe’s home. The difference today, is that today, both of them are with our Lord. There will be no hug from Grammy at the breakfast table. I won’t be seeing Papa Joe’s great big smile.
It’s not that this was fully unexpected. When Papa Joe passed last year, I knew that Grammy was not going to keep running this race much longer without him. Grammy and Grampa were very interdependant. I say that with much adoration. They did everything together. Sure, Grammy was a technophile. She had a highly ranked web log ( blog ) and really loved her atomic clock/thermometer. Papa did his own thing too. But they were amazing to watch together. They shared much love and that love poured out onto their grand kids.
But as I sit here, going through drawers of ketchup packets, I realize that I did not visit as often as I said I would, our even as often as I could have. I didn’t take time to show them how much I loved and respected them. I truly did not appreciate them, out honor them as I should have.
So I am calling you out gentlemen. Love on your families. Let them know you cherish them. Tell them how much they mean to you. I am not just talking about your wife or your kids. When was the last time you called your mother (do I sound like a Jewish grand ma?). Have you told your dad how much you appreciate him? If your grand parents are still alive, when did you last see them?
Make an effort men. Let us remember to show love and honor to our family. Forgive past griefs and lets be leaders at home today. Don’t wait until they are gone to show them honor.
May God bless you all, and may He bless each of your families today.
Thanks for reading.
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
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