Once more, I have to say I Luv my friends. One of them, who happened to be a BIC, recently posed following the question for discussion:
In entertainment media would you rather see violence or sex?
I processed that one and the result becomes tiered layers of acceptance. The primary reason for the tiered acceptance is that I have to know for whom the media is displayed, and to what extent the content goes. For example, as an adult, I do not appreciate the graphic nature in the betrayal of sex OR violence. I do, however, watch films in the genre of war, action, history and so forth. While those genre have a plethora of violence I will not indulge, at all, in slasher or horror films due to the sheer ridiculous nature of the content. Additionally I will balk at any excess of sexual content. ( primarily due to my own weakness for indulgence in the subject matter. Much like an alcoholic who doesn’t hang out near bars.) In the example of what we will allow in the house and around my son however, I don’t make a choice. It is not and “either” “or” choice. In our house neither win. Content deemed inappropriate never wins and is not appreciated or viewed at home. We take this seriously, even down to books, and music consumed in our home.
So this created one more thought experiment:
Are we picking and choosing what characteristics of Christ we will follow and portray to the world and our families? Do we, as Christ followers, choose our battles in or out of the home? Why, and what does this inconsistency say about our values, beliefs and our faith in our Heavenly Father’s sovereignty and power?
I do not believe this is a Christian only issue. For those who are not believers:
Are you picking and choosing what positive characteristics to portray to your family and others? Do you choose your battles in or out of the home? Why, and what does this inconsistency say about our values, beliefs and authority at home or in your life in general?
I have mixed thoughts on this one. I will weigh in on this soon, but What do you think?
May Jesus have His way with your day
He is Founder and consultant for Tek Management,
Founder of the Men’s Leadership site: CalebStrong.org,
Co-Founder of the online Bible study app: BibleCounts
View Gary Cartagena’s profile
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