God’s provision for our NEEDS

Man’s doctrine vs. Biblical doctrine.

I LURV my friends. My friends are wonderfully intelligent and because of this they pose wonderful insights and questions. I really like the questions that during the process of answering, I discover or sometimes re-discover or realize something anew.

I must insist, as we continue, on one thing. Don’t believe me. READ the versus I am summarizing so that you also, can take the words in the correct context.

One such statement/question was posed to me this very day. My friend posed the question or rather stated the existence of a cult/sect of Christians who, taking out of context the words of Jesus, do no work and rely on charity and a lifestyle of social … Click to Continue

Life is about CHOICE – Part 2

I mentioned it at the end of the last blog entry.  The over-all Theme for has been CHOICE.

We are all gifted with the freedom to choose. God has given us free-will and it is exercised everyday when we choose to get up, choose our clothes to wear, and choose our breakfast cereal.

Let us take another step forward and figure out how this continues to apply to YOU right NOW.

Today we will focus on Our Relationships…

Partners (romantic business) is my focus today. I get the best reactions from people is when I talk about my romantic relationships.


  • Embrace the past and LEARN from it…

I have an Ex-Wife whom I think the world … Click to Continue

Are you a Farmer or a Fisherman?

Current mood:  calm

In the lean times of  economic turmoil, it is very important to sit an meditate (think or analyze) on the place we are and what role we play. With out the constant validation of success or “at-a-boy”(or girl) we tend to lose hope, focus and the will to keep trying. I went through this a LOT last year as my business had failed and I was looking for a new path.

I am doing much better today. The proper application of sleep, meditation and introspection helps incredibly.

Lessons learned:

Lesson 1: I am not a Farmer…
I have been praying for rain (monetary help) and plowing fields (interviews, projects etc.) but the problem is that I am … Click to Continue