Purity in Motivation, Intention and Effort

Today, I meditate on Psalm 3:1-2

As I sit here and contemplate my morning reading, I preview what my day will look like. The focus of the passage is the psalmist’s earthly enemies.

As I ponder the question of “how does that apply to me today”, that still small voice speaks…

We have many earthly ‘enemies’, but our enemies are usually more mundane things like obstacles & challenges. At home it may be our physical limitations like asthma, allergies, out-of-shape or an actual handicap. At work it may be a tough job market, rusty skill set, a lack of confidence or a need for training. I know for myself, professionally I am struggling with learning how to market my business(es) … Click to Continue

Can we lose salvation?

Today’s Conversation Starter:

Is believing in a god enough? Is belief in the God of the Bible enough?

No, belief in a god or even the One True God is not sufficient. Even demons believe in the God of the Bible and they are condemned to Hell. (James 2:19) The Devil knew the Heavenly Father personally and is yet condemned because of his sin. (Ezekiel 28:12-19) .

Jesus was very clear when he told us He was the only way to salvation. (John 14:6). He doesn’t ask for anything complicated. He just wants all you are and have. (Mark 8:34)

What is our mark, our token that tells us we are saved?

Romans 8:16 tells us that the Holy Spirit … Click to Continue

Are we becoming Babylon?

Are we, as a nation, becoming the image of new Babylon as portrayed in the book of Revelation?

As I read Revelation 18:1-24 I see a significant similarity to our culture, arrogance, failures as a society and ultimately the very real consequences. Economic collapse, moral decay, and an eventual erasing of a culture.

It seems as if Revelation 18:3 is describing our prior status as power broker of the world. As I read on I see the consequences of a nation called to greatness when we put a Biblical ethical standard at the forefront of our daily practices. That was a standard of honesty, honor, respect, hard work, fairness, and a bond among men, that camaraderie, where men held each other accountable at … Click to Continue

BibleCounts update.

Good news, for everyone, especially me.

We have made some leaps on the new BibleCounts.com website. By tomorrow we will start placing the basic design of the core site. This includes the registration, user tracking. etc.

Over the next month we will start integrating the core BibleCounts quiz/testing and scoring systems as well as the point tracking system.
The initial test design for ages 5-12 will be updated first. We have Mathew through Luke completed and will expand those quizzes as we get response from our users and testers.

So far, Preston, Debbie and I have created the entirety of the content. Mostly through our own family devotional time. We are doing this in our free … Click to Continue